M1903 07 Ammo belt


M1903 07 Ammo belt Mills. This is what I refer to as the 1903/07 3rd pattern, due to the 1903 pattern but the patents on the ends are 1907.  It has the additional thread on the bottom of the puckered pockets to keep the 06 pattern

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M1903 07 Ammo belt Mills. This is what I refer to as the 1903/07 3rd pattern, due to the 1903 pattern but the patents on the ends are 1907.  It has the additional thread on the bottom of the puckered pockets to keep the 06 pattern bullets from poking through.

Excellent mint condition, but somewhere in time an owner thought his name was a good look.  Not seen when displayed. Mills logo in bullet also nice and sharp.  All pocket dividers are also present.

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